Galileo FLASH Travel App

Galileo Future Travel
2 min readJun 1, 2021


Community funded Tradable Luxury Travel Entitlements at Crazy Discounts and 5 Year Expiration dates

A gamified lottery where EVERYONE WINS if the minimum quantities are funded

To make a bigger impact and sustain the Galileo Travel NFT system far beyond the pandemic and increase the product range offered. Upon completing the current online system, we will begin developing a 0 Loss Lottery app that allows users to collectively purchase larger numbers super high luxury properties and experiences at crazy low prices through the Galileo network.

Here is how it works:

  1. Galileo Travel will go to a Luxury Hotel or experience and offer a LARGE Bulk Purchase (let’s say 1000 nights)
  2. The super-low offer will appear on the app for 24 hours
  3. Gamified incentives are given to users/participants to attract others to join the lottery
  4. If at least 1000 nights are pledged, Galileo completes the purchase with the luxury hotel
  5. Galileo then converts these nights to NFT smart contracts so they can be sold, traded, or redeemed.
  6. If the 1000 nights are not pledged, participants are not charged

This will leverage the Galileo system without taxing Galileo capital resources to offer more extraordinary deals that can be used across the Galileo network.

This gamification factors in the app will build the network with gamified sharing and invitation to attract friends and gain benefits from the Galileo Travel Family. This augments advertising and market building efforts where every one of our ideal customers will yield an average of 7 other Ideal customers.

Additional profitability to the Galileo network comes from small transaction fees that apply to each step of the process.

Information and Links

WEBSITE: Home Page — Travel Future Club (


TOKENOMICS PAGE: Travel Futures Token Invest in Tourism Recovery by Pandemic Pricing



GITHUB: TravelFutures (Travel Futures Club) (

INSTAGRAM: Travel Futures Club’s (@travelfuturesclub) profile on Instagram • 5 posts

Also, follow TravelFutures — Medium to stay tuned for the $TRVL token sale updates and developments



Galileo Future Travel

Galileo New Age Travel Futures can be found at and allows users to Buy Discounted NFT Hotel Vouchers Now to Use Anytime by 2025